HELP ON FILE AREAS This menu allows you to interact with a number of file areas at the same time. From this menu, you may download one or more files, perform file searches, and much more. The following commands are available to you: A [area] Select the file area to work with. U [filename] Allows you to upload a file. D [filelist] Allows you to download one or more files. P [protocol] Select or change the file transfer protocol you wish to use during the download. N [date] Search for files newer than a given date. L [string] List files available for download, or search for a particular file or file description fragment. Enter or Return key (Carriage Return) to exit this prompt. Here are the commands and their operation in detail. A (AREA) COMMAND This command allows you to list and/or select available file areas. If you choose to list available areas, all will be listed and you can make a selection by number. If you already know the file area number you want, you can select it directly. Command example: A Lists available areas. (This command may be configured not to list areas. If you receive only a prompt, you can enter L to list the available areas.) A 12 Selects file area 12. U (UPLOAD) COMMAND This command allows you to upload a file to the system. Depending on how the system is configured, this prompt may or may not appear. If it does, the file you upload may be placed in the current file area, or may be placed elsewhere depending on system configuration. Do not be alarmed if you cannot locate the file you uploaded. NOTE: Batch (multiple file) uploads are not allowed. Command examples: U FILE1.TXT Will upload a single file. D (DOWNLOAD) COMMAND This command allows you to download one or more files from the currently selected file area. You may enter the letter D followed by one or more file names. NOTE: Multiple file downloads may not be allowed here. If you attempt a multiple file download, and they are not allowed, you will receive an error message to this effect. Command examples: D FILE1.TXT Will download a single file. D FILE1.TXT FILE2.* BE??.DOC Will download multiple files. "Wildcards" may be used in file specifications, or you may list the files you want to download separated by one or more spaces between each file name. If more than one file is selected, you must be using a protocol capable of multi-file transfers, such as SEAlink or ZMODEM. NOTE: If you wish to download a file whose name does not include a file extension, you should place a period at the end of the filename, like this: D FOOBAR. Would download a file named "FOOBAR" from the system. NOTE: If byte and/or time limits are in effect, they are checked between each file transferred on a multi-file download. The transfer will be halted at the point it would begin to exceed any of these limits. P (PROTOCOL) COMMAND This command will allow you to set a default download protocol or to change the protocol you wish to use for the remainder of this call. The first time you download a file, you will be asked for a protocol to use, and after that the same protocol will be used for each download for the remainder of this call. If you wish to avoid being asked for a protocol, or if you wish to change the protocol you have been using to a different one, then use this command. You may use the letter of the protocol to select if you know it. Command examples: P This command will produce a menu of protocols. Select the one you wish to use (or select the uit option if you don't want to select a new default download protocol). P Z Will select ZMODEM protocol as the default without listing available protocols. E (EXAMINE) COMMAND This command allows you to obtain a directory of one or more files which are stored in a file archive. The archive must be posted in the currently selected file area. It will produce a directory of the files and their date, time and original size which are contained in the specified archive. Many standards formats are supported by this command, including ARC, PAK and ZIP. Command examples: E MYFILE.PAK Will produce a directory of the specified file. E *.ARC Will produce a directory of all .ARC files. E FILE1.ARC FILE2.ZIP Will produce a directory of both specified archives. N (NEW FILES) COMMAND This command allows listing of files posted which are newer than a given date. If the date is omitted, then the date of your last logon to the system is used. The date is specified in the same format as it is shown in the file directory listing. Files in all areas are listed, along with the file area number and file area description. Command examples: N Lists all files with a date newer than that of your last logon. N %DATE% Will list all files newer than %DATE%. L (LIST FILES) COMMANDS This command will produce a listing of files available to you in the currently selected file directory, or will search for files in all file areas. If you use the command alone, then all files available in the currently selected area only will be listed. You may optionally include a text fragment after the command. If you do, the listing will only show those files where the name or file description contains the text fragment you specified - regardless of which file area they reside in. (The file area number and description are provided in this case.) NOTE: If you specify a text fragment, it is literal - wildcards are NOT honored! Command examples: L List all files in the currently selected directory. L MEM List all files where the fragment "mem" is contained in the file name or description in all file areas. Search strings may have any printable characters, and may include embedded spaces. Searches are case insensitive, meaning that upper and lower case letters are considered the same. AREA (2.2) 9/91